Open Source Contributions
- SWC16/04/2024
fix(es/minifier): don't reserve identifiers in expressions or patterns
- SWC16/04/2024
refactor(es/minifier): Remove mangle.safari10
- Gatsby20/09/2022
feat(gatsby): Enable source maps when compiling Gatsby files in development
- Sentry02/09/2022
fix(gatsby): Include app-* entrypoints as they may include user source code
- Gatsby09/08/2022
chore(docs): Pre-encoded unicode characters can't be used in paths
- Gatsby29/04/2022
fix(gatsby-source-drupal): Add langcode to manifest ID
- Gatsby18/12/2021
fix(gatsby-source-drupal): remove computed fields before running createNode
- Drupal24/06/2021
Allow arbitrary image transformations using Drupal's Image Style API
- Gatsby01/09/2020
feat(gatsby-source-drupal): Add toggleable multilingual support by prefixing nodes with their langcode
- Onfleet27/05/2020
Remove . from content-type header in auth/test helper
- Netlify14/09/2018
Added confirm parameter to documentation